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2025 and Beyond: Creating the Future One Wise Step at a Time

(from my December 2024 LinkedIn post)

The thinking and work of Otto Scharmer through the Presencing Institute has challenged my thinking over the last decade. In my email this past New Year’s Eve, I found his message for 2025 below.

This quote in the message spoke to me as I reflect on 2025 and beyond: “As we move into a world with more chaos, disruption and breakdowns, how can we rekindle our mostly dormant superpowers, how can we respond in ways that are more resilient, regenerative and transformative?”

I’m being provoked to rethink how I work going forward, and I keep seeing in my mind’s eye—-create and work with connected “islands of sanity and creativity”, rather than going it alone.

You can checkout Scharmer’s article, “‘Fourth Person’: Collective Sensing” in the December 27, 2024 issue of Kosmos Journal (www.kosmosjournal.org), where you’ll find other thought provoking articles regarding the growing urgency and awareness of collective transformation.

Why seek out these perspectives? “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curosity has its own reason for existence.”
—-Albert Einstein

Happy New Year!🎈

Welcome to the MLG Blog, Issue #1!

We are living through extremely complex times in which systems, organizations, power dynamics, economies, societies and human well-being are in a state of flux and great change. Old ways of working and old structures are being challenged and are decaying, while new structures and ways of working are evolving.

The space between the “old” and the “being borne” we are calling liminal times[1]. And in these times, MLG believes we must collectively co-create sustainable, positive futures for individuals, organizations and their employees, families and communities, our global society, and the Earth.

In this Blog, we will share insights with our followers in the areas where MLG works to support organizations and individuals.  Also, we will offer tools, techniques and resources that we believe are valuable because they have been crafted with care and are particularly beneficial in liminal times. We believe they will help empower organizations and individuals to adapt, transform, and be creative in these complex times.

MLG’s areas of work are: Adaptive Leadership, Transformation & Change, and Diversity & Inclusion.  Our next Blog will be on Leadership in Liminal Times. Past definitions of leadership describe the “what and “how” of leadership[2], and continue to have value in certain situations. However, these styles must be integrated with the “state of being” of leadership and be collectively  exercised by all roles or levels  within an organization, community or family, and by individuals. We describe this as Adaptive Leadership—leadership in liminal times.

MLG’s  “Spoiler Alert”: We do not believe in reinventing the wheel. What we will share with you will be tools, resources, etc. developed by organizations or individuals for whom we have great respect or with whom we may have affiliated. In our opinion, they represent the best available “evidence-based” resources for these times, and we utilize these resources in our work.

See you in a few weeks!

Barbara at The MiraLite Group

[1] The idea of liminality was first introduced in the field of anthropology in 1909 by Arnold Van Gennel in Les Rise de Passage. Rites of passage included coming of age rituals and including three phases—separation, liminal period, and re-assimilation. In second half of the 20th century, Victor Turner further described liminality in his work Liminality and Communitas by saying in liminal periods individuals are “neither here nor there; they are betwixt and between the positions assigned and arrayed by law, custom, convention….” And he describes this betwixt and between period as giving rise to the “realm of pure possibility”. See http://www.liminality.org/about/whatisliminality.

[2] https://www.legacee.com/types-of-leadership-styles.