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2025 and Beyond: Creating the Future One Wise Step at a Time

(from my December 2024 LinkedIn post)

The thinking and work of Otto Scharmer through the Presencing Institute has challenged my thinking over the last decade. In my email this past New Year’s Eve, I found his message for 2025 below.

This quote in the message spoke to me as I reflect on 2025 and beyond: “As we move into a world with more chaos, disruption and breakdowns, how can we rekindle our mostly dormant superpowers, how can we respond in ways that are more resilient, regenerative and transformative?”

I’m being provoked to rethink how I work going forward, and I keep seeing in my mind’s eye—-create and work with connected “islands of sanity and creativity”, rather than going it alone.

You can checkout Scharmer’s article, “‘Fourth Person’: Collective Sensing” in the December 27, 2024 issue of Kosmos Journal (www.kosmosjournal.org), where you’ll find other thought provoking articles regarding the growing urgency and awareness of collective transformation.

Why seek out these perspectives? “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curosity has its own reason for existence.”
—-Albert Einstein

Happy New Year!🎈

Preparing Girls to Be Eco-Centric Leaders-Blog#3

I was thrilled to learn about the mega donation made to Girl Scouts by MacKenzie Scott and that Girl Scouts of Greater New York council (GSGNY), where I worked for over 6 years, was among the councils to receive a designated gift as part of this truly significant donation. This is truly heartening as we continue to come out of the pandemic and are having to learn how to live and be in a “different” world.

More research is coming out that reveals women of all walks of life were most detrimentally impacted, along with youth, by the pandemic, e.g., Seven Charts that Show Covid 19’s Impact on Women, by Mckinsey, And research is revealing women are seeking more from their work or they are leaving to find jobs that support them, e.g., Women in the Workplace -2022, by Lean In. This does not bode well for workplaces or for the girls who look up to women in all professions as role models.

It appears from the Girl Scouts’ announcement that girl membership was severely impacted by the pandemic, and now it will have the resources to invest in girls, volunteers, programs, and research in new ways that the future requires. I was reminded of an article I co-authored with Yvette Hyater-Adams in 2016 on the impact of one of GSGNY’s investments in girl leaders and what we learned. (The Anchor is no longer in publication, like many things affected by the pandemic, but you can find the article in the Anchor archives.

I celebrate this wise investment and look forward to seeing the impact of this gift on girls and volunteers around the country as Girl Scouts moves to greater heights in shaping girls who are well-equipped as eco-centric leaders capable of responding to the unfolding challenges of our time.

PS: I will write more in the future on eco-centric leadership